The Rising


Someday I shall repeat myself

Gifting life its space

When the sun shall dry shallow waters

Walking at its pace


Shadows roving by my side

And wind clinging to the wrap

I would rise from the ashes again

And place my scars on the map


When in stillness shall smolder days

And asperse the clamored notions

Again I would want the skies

And seek to walk the oceans


Nox* shall then disown me

And stars will forget my face

I would then, be my second

And prevail the duel with grace


There may not be tales galore

And scripts may not run very miles

But I would still regale my foes

And may cause a few smiles


Except that I need to hold long breath

Nourish my soul and choose my cage

For me to have to prey again

And engrave a new unsullied page


Till then I must rest myself

In fidgety slumber, on sore bed

For me to recur self someday

Rising from the dead


* Nox: Goddess of Night

Himanshu (April. 2004)